Nurture Portal | Allinone afterschool educational learning | Wizycom Nurture

Wizycom Nurture

Abacusmaster provides the top 10 modules including many interactive, selflearning modules to practice and learn

We’re bringing a whole new concept of learning in the field of brain training that it uses a bottom-up approach, focusing on improving the elemental building blocks of perceptual speed and attention in higher cognitive functions, such as memory, concentration and visualisation. Our interactive online modules and offline learning centres target every major system of the brain that supports the entire learning cycle, grounded in research about how children learn best.

mission of the company wizycom nurture

Enhance skills and knowledge through unique and scientifically proven ‘after school’ brain training programs to enhance academic and personal performance.

vision of the company wizycom nurture

Cultivating the next generation of lifelong learners who possess the skills, attitude, creativity and drive to impact the knowledge driven modern world.

abacusmaster module of wizycom nurture promotes the no.1 abacus education

Flagship module trusted around the World, provides quality driven Abacus Education. We help the kids to enhance the functions deliver by left & right hemispheres of brain. Our team introduced many innovative technology aided solutions to facilitate learning Abacus fun and more effective.

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spellingbee online practice app with the spellbytes app

A well-structured and systematic learning and activity program for Spelling Bee contestants and for general language learners. It is designed to assist you in building a strong vocabulary with a wide variety of engaging and interactive study modules.

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brain teasers, puzzles, trivias, brain games module of wizycom

Largest collection of logic puzzles, brain teasers, mind games , mathematical problems, trivias etc. to enhance the cognitive skills of child. An interesting collection of Hanayama Puzzles is an added highlight of this module along with many other value added features.

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brain exercise module with many entertaining and challenging games

Module specifically developed for kids to train core cognitive abilities via interactive and engaging online tools. Ranging from neuroscience to visualisation games, the module integrate many diverse disciplines with its feature rich interactive activities.

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yoga for kids is a unique concept and is done by Wizycom nurture

Personalised online portal to learn and practise yoga in a structured way with an assembled time format and expertise tutorials. Developed by the certified and well-known experts in the yoga teaching arena, this program is categorised separately for different agegroups.

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improve the handwriting module is popular practice website

H&Right is a practise module for improving Handwriting skills. The module guides the learner through brief sessions and practice materials to build your muscle memory, causing a positive effect on your handwriting. Beautiful writing to be precise, will definitely augur well for kid’s future.

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AbacusMaster is a renowned name trusted all over the World for spreading quality based Abacus education with our innovative and meaningful measures. AbacusMaster have mainly two modes of learning including direct abacus centres, abacus tutorials and online learning portal. Deviating from the traditional way of book-based Abacus learning techniques, Wizycom’s AbacusMaster has developed a combination of Computer, Video/Audio and book-based track on Abacus learning program.

Online learning & activity portal

icon for online learning for abacus

Technology aided training

latest technology embedded products icon

Mental Accelerator

icon showing mental accelerator feature for sped maths
abacus kids happy and smart learning maths
assessments and certification programs of the course icon

Assessments/Online Exams

practicing abacus with worksheets feature

Infinite practice Worksheets

practice videos for visualisation and mental math

More than 800 Anzan Videos

If you’re thinking to enrol your kids for Abacus classes, then you must be aware of the benefits it reaps. Besides the dramatic improvement in the ability to calculate, both on the abacus and mentally, it is beneficial in other areas including

mathematics and abacus

Proficiency In Mathematics

abacus for concentration and memory

Boosts Concentration & Memory

abacus for creativity and imagination

Visualisation & Creativity

fast math skills faster than alculator

Mental Arithmetic Skills

sharp memory for abacus kids

Numerical Memory

abacus improves logic of kids at a younger age

Logical Understanding


The goal of Spelling Bytes module is to develop a profound understanding of English language and to improve the vocabulary. It is a misunderstanding that the Spelling Bee is only about rote-learning or memorizing the maximum numbers of words. It is more about smart work and planning and preparation. It is not a memory testing competition, but involves a lot of analytical and reasoning skills.

support america and british words

Both American& British words

oxford and merriam webster dictionaries supported

British (Using Oxford Dictionary Database)

leading dictionaries support spellbytes

American (Using Merriamwebster dictionary database)

spelling bee wordlists agewise and gradewise

Age-wise word lists

tracking of words learned and practice spellbee

Progress Tracking

spellbee games of wizycom nurture

Game-like interactive learning


When your child starts preparing for a Spelling Bee, he or she is entering an interesting world! They understand that words like problems also have roots, that like most things in life even words follow a pattern, and find that there are various ways to remember something that you want to. These things no doubt give the analytical part of the brain and will ensure better and increased value for their future signatures.

spellbee advantages

Improves Vocabulary

spellbee benefits

Public Speaking

spelling bee improves confidence in kids


practicing spelling bee is good for memory

Sharpens Memory

skills enhancement due to spelling bee games

Thinking Skills

listening is the key for spelling bee success



Puzzles, teasers, anagrams, brain teasers all can foster brain development by stimulating logical and creative thinking areas of the brain. Many researches have suggested that doing puzzles can sharpen mind, improve the memory skills and moreover keep the brain fit throughout anyones life. With Wizypuzzle, we aim to provide a single platform to engage your brain with lots of exercises mainly puzzles and teasers. These activities are fun, brain teasing and refreshing to get it solved.

worlds largest database of trivias, mathematics, logic puzzles

Largest Database Of Puzzles

agewise category of puzzles and teasers for kids

Different CategoryOf Puzzles

different types of questions, brain games, teasers

Age-Wise Modules

Hanayama Physical Puzzles are included in this module which will spark curiosity of every child by figuring out how to assemble and disassemble their mechanisms. By rotating, sliding and otherwise manipulating the cast pieces, you can learn the secrets needed to crack the puzzle.

Yoga For Kids

By all means a five year old can start practicing yoga. It is better to start Yoga practices at an earlier age and nothing is too soon. The innate joy, natural innocence, spontaneity and wisdom in children is always a delight and you end up having a lot of fun both teaching as well as learning from them.

yoga for younger kids by wizycom nurture

Age-Wise Curriculum

yoga course well structures and organised

Structured And Well Tracked

Our online program is designed and developed by experts in the field of Yoga and has conceptualised this program after doing extensive research on it.

yoga benefits

Higher Concentration

yoga benefits

Enhanced Flexibility

yoga benefits

Higher Attention Span

yoga benefits

Reduce Academic Stress

yoga benefits

Improves Visualisation

yoga benefits

Posture Correction


Legible handwriting is a life skill that plays a huge importance in any person’s life. And it plays an active involvement in brain development, as handwriting primarily involves the dorsal premotor and supplementary motor areas (located in the frontal lobe), and the inferior parietal lobe of the person’s dominant brain hemisphere. It needs time and practice to master this beautiful

handwriting benefits

Hand-Eye-Brain Coordination

handwriting benefits

Motor- SkillsDevelopment

handwriting benefits

Cognitive Development

handwriting benefits

Self Confidence

handwriting benefits

Better Learning

handwriting benefits

Visual Perception


Just as you can exercise your abs, biceps, and quads, you can exercise your brain. Brain exercises can help you test your brain and improve your memory, attention, accuracy and more in order to feel your best.Wizycom’s BrainGym module consists of a comprehensive series of scientifically based tasks that are selected and categorised to enhance powerful brain functions. Our neuroscientific program is lead by an international team of researchers, neurologists, psychologists and Educators that design and develop the latest researches about the brain training with tailor made algorithms making simple tasks in the form of interactive games.

brain games for kids to improve cognitive skills
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