
Programme Structure

Abacus Learning programme structure

  • Total 8 levels (Basic - 4 levels Advanced - 4 Levels)
  • Users can access all levels without any extra payment.
  • Ideal Age Group: 5-12 years old.
  • Students can unlock many other modules during the learning process.

Portal Highlights

Programme highlights

  • Topics covered including Abacus Addition, Subtraction,Multiplication and Division.
  • Animated illustrations with audio guidance
  • Practice worksheets are embedded
  • Abacus Rules are well explained
  • Examination to test the student skills will be carried outafter each level
  • Certificates will be provided after the completion of Basicand Advanced Stage
  • Anzan Videos are given for visualisation practice
  • Tools (Mental Accelerator) to acquire counting speed
  • Random worksheet generator tool to preview and print unlimited worksheets

Learning Tips

Abacus requires lots of practice starting from small digit numbers to higher digit numbers. Entire abacus techniques can be taught in two or three months, but that doesn’t create any positive impact on students. Mastering Abacus is not about doing calculations on Abacus,but to perform mental arithmetic calculations in a speed faster than calculators. Along with improving arithmetic skills, Abacus is also considered to be the best brain development exercise to achieve high level of concentration and memory skills for the students who practice it.

AbacusMater Virtual abacus

Online abacus program consists of 8 levels which is tailor made by experts in the Abacus teaching World and is popular around the World in creating Abacus geniuses.

How to learn Abacus in a proper way:

  • Student should start the online portal from Level 1 only.
  • Learn only one topic a day.
  • Make sure you practice atleast a week before moving ahead to next topic.
  • Utilise all different practice modules including worksheets, anzan videos, mental accelerator etc.
  • The speed of the practice videos will automatically increased while you climb up the levels.
  • Attend the exam only when you complete the practice sessions. Do not hurry.
  • Student can revise all topics of previous levels at any point of time.
  • Improve the speed slowly and showcase the skills to others for extra motivation.
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